Daystar Concepts is a Canadian freelance web design, hosting, and strategic / marketing service.
The seed idea evolved with the web in 1998 with hand-coded websites and today includes Content Management Systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and new techniques of marketing and media.
Involvement in areas such as advocacy, food security, social justice and small business, along with tracking trends – on the ground and the web – has afforded many new insights and connections that benefit every project.
Hearing of the trials, tribulations and successes of website owners for over two decades ensures a commitment that owning a website is a positive experience and great asset.
Each project is developed with the individual client needs and budget in mind, along with easy management – now and in the future. Programmer, designer and other relevant affiliates are utilized when projects warrant it, so the skills needed for any task are always available.
We welcome new-to-a-website customers and will do it all for you – no learning curve involved. Existing website owners who are unsatisfied with their current site/webmaster are also welcome!